Another Take-Over Cost update has arrived. It will change BYM gameplay forever. But there still hope. We just need to appeal to Kixeye that this update is jut gonna make things worst. I guess, Kixeye tweak there original plan a little before they made the update. The planned changes are here.
From player feedback we have concluded that the new prices are.
- Wild Monster = 500,000 - 10,000,000 per resource (We are still waiting confirmation on WM TO cost)
- Just an Outpost building = 1,000,000 per resource
- Normal Kit = 10,000,000 per resource
- Mega Kit = 20,100,000 per resource
- Ultra Kit = 50,000,000 per resource
As to help new players. Kixeye are giving 50% discount on the 6 hexes/cells around your base. So basically only half the prices above for the hexes right beside your base.
Many people are already complaining. It's just a matter of time before Kixeye changes their mind again on this TO costs.