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Jun 29, 2012

BYM Update 2012-06-29 Yard Planner 2!, +1 Yardage and Some bugs

Yes it has finally arrived! The BYM Gods (Devs) Finally heard our prayers to release the new yard planner. Equip with the tools that you need to make your masterpiece. With this update, Kixeye also added another yard expansion. Making the max yardage to 6. But along with something this great. It would be a miracle without any bugs. Although, I think Kixeye is already working on a fix. And we don't need to upgrade the yard planner.

With great power comes great responsibility. 
The yard planner 2 is finally released with key features that you should look into.

Saving Yard Designs!
Yes, yes it can save base designs! Although we are only limited to saving 2 designs, it's better than nothing. We hope Kixeye add more save slots though. You save them as templates for future use.
Load Yard Designs
What's a save feature without allowing you to load them? So obviously we can load yard designs in a snap. And edit it in the yard planner without disrupting your yard's current yard design. 
Apply Design
You only can apply a design from your save ones if you have put all the buildings in your design. Allowing us to redesign our yards without changing the design of your current yard. And snap in the new design in a second. You will never to worry about being attacked when redesigning again.

Store All
With these feature, It will clear your yard planner. And store all your buildings in the appropriate tabs in the left of the screen. Do note that your buildings won't disappear if you store all buildings, instead you need save it. Since it wont you load yard designs that aren't complete with all your buildings. 

If you stored your buildings then they all go to the inventory. But don't worry all of them are safe and sound. Just save it and you can complete your new yard design tomorrow. Your buildings will still be visible in your yard allowing no exploits of this feature.

More Details
-Buildings have now individual icons that you can easily recognize.
-Buildings that are unlocking, building and upgrading can now be picked up.

-The range toggle can now be toggled as ADT, Ground Range and trap range.
More Yardage
As mentioned earlier you can now buy a six yard expansion to expand your yard.

With an update like this there is no way that we won't be having bugs. We're just lucky that it's something to be afraid of. Your Black totem pole will revert back to the level 1 design with only one head. It's not serious but we hope Kixeye fixes this Asap.

Another bug is that if you view a WMT. You will see this.
But when you attack it. You'll see a normal WMT yard. I hope they fix this too soon. If you don't see this then you probably can't open a WMT base.

Rapping Up
All hail Kixeye for this wonderful update. And like me, I think everyone will be pleased with this update. Although it has some bugs. They're not a game destroyer. And YP2 surely outweighs the other bugs.
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