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Sep 9, 2012

Featured Yard #1 - Thor's Mjölnir

"In Norse mythology, Mjölnir is the hammer of Thor, a major god associated with thunder."

Note: Before we start, Thor's Mjölnir (Official Thread) has been created by ChristiaaaaaanxD from the forums. 

Lets Get Started
This is the first time that we will be featuring a yard in the blog and this is due to popular demand. We will only be featuring quality yards that deserves the spot as "featured yard". So expect a featured yard every few days or once a week.

The Rundown
ADTs and Spurts Towers are well defended against the catapult, and very hard to access by tower monsters. The close NEC prevents DAVE spamming, and the central RGT unit is very good for core defense. The Cage-Bunker concept is used well and there are no chews in the core or NEC, which is rare for a new forum yard. The only weakness is that if DAVEs split which isn’t unlikely, then they might enter the core, at which point the lack of dam could raise a few issues.

YP View (Click the images to make them bigger.)

It's a decent yard. But we all know, no yard is perfect. It may have some cons. All in all this yard deserves the spotlight. If you want more posts like this then like the post. As always, thanks for reading. You can check the official thread for more details.

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