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Jul 23, 2012

Spurtz Cannon Details and Observations

Prize for finishing the Brukkarg war. The Spurtz Cannon has proven to be worth it for all the effort. It's the first of its kind. Firing Spurtz against enemies.
" Your very own Backyard Shotgun! This cannon fires a spurtz militia to do your bidding - Just what you need to stop groups of invaders dead in their tracks. "
" The Black Diamond Spurtz Cannon boasts stronger durability and reduced loading times. Your enemies will need a monster miracle to get past these! "

Let's Get Started
The Spurtz cannon, you guessed it! It fires Spurtz. It works like a bunker that releases an unlimited amount of Spurtz with no extra costs. Many has been asking whether we have some extra details for it. 

-Krallen and Fomor can buff Spurtz from the Spurtz Cannon
-It's best protecting your Railgun because
-They are good Tankers for attacking monsters
-Balthazars also treat them as Bunkered Monsters
-Very Low Health. You can easily take them down via Catapult

Regular Spurtz Cannons in Action

Black Spurtz Cannons in Action

Credits to synystergates from the forums

Way worth the effort but the uber power of this defense tower is making the games defense vs. attacking balance much more unbalanced in favor of defending. And congrats to everyone who finished the event. Don't forget to like and share this post.

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